Packing Supplies and Tips You'll Need for Your Joplin Self Storage Space | Countryside Self Storage

Preparation is half the battle, especially if you're trying to get organized, packed, and ready to move belongings into a self-storage unit in Joplin! Using self-storage is a great way to declutter, get organized, downsize, stage a house for sale, clear out your garage or attic, or just find a home away from home for those holiday decorations during the offseason. You'll get the most out of your self-storage experience if you plan ahead.
Part of being prepared to move into self storage in Joplin means organizing what you're actually going to be putting into storage and how it's going to be packed. The other part is having the packing supplies you need to get the job done and to make sure that everything you put into Joplin self storage (or any other location) is safe and secure while it's there.
Not sure where to begin? Here are the top five packing supplies you'll need to get any self storage project done right!
Moving boxes – If you're going to pack things, first you need something to pack them in. When it comes to cardboard boxes, only use new boxes to store your belongings. As tempting as it may be to go pick up free boxes from the grocery store, they are already worn and could contain mold or other debris that can damage your stored property. Buy new moving boxes in a variety of sizes, including wardrobe and dish pack boxes as needed.
Packing tape – If you've ever moved before, you know that packing tape is always in high demand and short supply. Plus, it's handy to have around the house, even when you're not packing or moving. Make sure you buy plenty!
Packing paper – Back in the day, we used old newspapers to wrap dishes and to fill in gaps in boxes that we packed. These days, though, most people don't have a subscription to the paper. If you don't have newspapers around your house, it's a good idea to pick up a few rolls of packing paper to help protect items that could become scratched or dented and to make sure that your boxes are packed evenly.
Bubble wrap – Anything breakable needs to be treated right, from dishes and plates to porcelain figurines or your grandmother's china. Bubble wrap can protect your most fragile and valuable possessions. For breakable items, it's a good idea to wrap them completely in bubble wrap, so you may need to pick up more than you expect.
Glass & dish wrap foam sheets – Packing paper and bubble wrap are versatile packing solutions, but they're not ideal for everything. Sometimes you need foam sheets that are stronger than paper, thinner than bubble wrap, and re-usable. These can be used to wrap items such as lamps and other breakables, but they're especially handy for cushioning and packing thin, fragile items such as framed photographs or paintings.
While these are some of the top supplies that you absolutely can't do without, there are plenty of other items can help you do self storage like a boss, from labels that help you identify the contents of a box at a glance to spreadsheets that list what each box contains and where to find it inside your unit.
Of course, the other thing you need to do self storage right is the right self storage location. Fortunately, Countryside Self-Storage has everything you need at any of our five self storage locations in Joplin, Pittsburg, or Frontenac!